MAUVSA Advance Conference is our biggest event of the year and it seeks to bring together over 400 young professionals from Asian-American communities around the Mid-Atlantic region and neighboring regions for the purpose of empowering these individuals with the right tools to become successful leaders in society.
Each summer, MAUVSA hosts a 3-day camp for its executive board members from member schools and general body members. Programming for the event emphasizes leadership, social interaction, and tips on how to improve your VSA. Camp highlights include: the MAUVSA games (team-building), campfire activities, keynote speakers, and insightful/development workshops covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to: leadership, teamwork, and more.
The MAUVSA Legacy Awards is a night that will celebrate the leaders of MAUVSA and its 11 member schools -- past, present, and future. Featuring fine dining, celebratory awards, and a pinning ceremony for incoming Executives and Presidents, this will be the most extravagant night of the year!
Leadership Summit
MAUVSA holds a series of leadership summits biannually, once in the fall and once in the spring. Each summit provides the opportunity for students to exchange information, establish relationships, evaluate activities, and coordinate programs at the campus level. The summit series also provides a forum for student leaders to discuss common organizational challenges such as membership recruitment, membership retention, conflict resolution, and project management.
Experience the culture and travel to different schools throughout the year as each member school hosts their culture event. Its a night full of performances, acting, giveaways, and friends!